Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

January 2, 2005 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

Jan 2, 2005: Vision of Missiles, A Nuclear Attack on the United States

In this vision I was taken up in the Spirit high above Western Canada where I was positioned facing east. There in vision in a secure place high above the earth, I saw waves of intercontinental ballistic missiles coming in formations of five (5) streaking toward the United States. They were coming from the North, but I did not see in the vision the nation or nations of the missiles origin.

In the vision I moved right along with the missiles maintaining a perfect view. Strangely, they were flying in V-formations of five (5) as geese fly with a lead missile in the front center and two missiles flanking on each side. The missiles were silver in color and had no other distinguishing markings except for a solid red band painted around each missile near the nose cone.

Suddenly explosions began to occur around the missiles as our defenses began firing on them. Two waves of five (5) each, or 10 missiles, were destroyed. Then the explosions stopped. I knew in my spirit that we had exhausted our defensive capabilities. One wave of five (5) missiles further to the east and a short time behind the first two waves got through our defenses untouched. It was as if the enemy knew our defensive capabilities. They sent more missiles than we had defenses to stop them.

The Spirit drew me close to the five (5) missiles. I was placed beside and somewhat above them. I was moved along so positioned and maintained a perfect view.

The five (5) missiles came in over the heartland of the United States. There the missiles all turned in unison and each left vapor trails as they turned. The eastern most missile in the formation turned toward our east coast, the second eastern most missile turned to the southeast generally speaking toward Florida, The center missile in the formation angled down and continued south generally speaking toward the gulf coast, the missile to the west of the center missile made a sweeping u-turn to the right and downward back toward our Canadian border, and the western most missile in the vision turned toward our west coast in the direction of California.

Then in the vision, I was positioned on the ground near a lake that I did not recognize. Two people were with me and were positioned one on each side and somewhat behind me. I perceived them to be my wife and grandson. We knew that missiles were coming in but where? I was trying to determine if we should get in the car and go someplace else. But we did not know where the missiles would strike.

As I was looking up in the sky and pondering this thing, I felt a tap on my left shoulder, which I perceived to be my grandson. I saw a finger pointing across the lake. I looked in the direction of the pointing finger and saw in the distance the classic mushroom cloud going up that is characteristic of a nuclear explosion. A few seconds later, I saw water being kicked up on the lake in the far distance as the explosion’s shock wave sped toward us at incredible speed.

I grabbed the two with me and dived into an adjacent shelter that had open slits in the side. I fell on my knees and began to pray that the Lord lift the force and it not hit us. However, the force did hit us a few seconds later and my mouth and lungs were filled with dust so that it was difficult to breathe. I was very fearful of radioactive material. There was a strange smell associated with the shock wave that I perceived had come from the explosion. It smelled rather like fuel and sulfur.

In the next scene in the vision, I was driving down a freeway with cars going bumper to bumper in both directions. People were just going someplace, any place to try to get out of the area. I noticed that the sky appeared rather uneventful, like a typical day with a blue sky and intermittent white clouds. One distinguished cloud had a very bright light around it, which I associated with the explosion. There were also two high-powered lights shining down. I perceived that the two lights were from a helicopter that had made it to the area. Then, the vision ended.

Author’s note: Interestingly, to my knowledge the USA had no Patriot Missile defenses on our east coast or in Alaska at the time I saw the Vision of Missiles. However, in the years since, the USA has deployed some defensive missiles in California and Alaska. I sent copies of my write up of this vision to Tennessee’s two senators in Washington, DC, and to several others in Congress whom I thought might listen. My recollection is that I tried to get the message to the President of the USA, but I do not know if the message got to him.


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