Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

They Were “Kissing the Devil” in Paris When Bullets Began to Fly

By Robert M. Baxter  Posted Nov. 14, 2015

Kiss the Devil - 1Friday, 11/13 will be forever etched into the minds of the French people, much like 9/11 was for most Americans.  More than 130 people have died and nearly 100 are still in critical condition from the Islamic terrorist attacks that rocked the French capital and wounded the soul of all those who love freedom.

The site of the greatest carnage was the concert hall, Bataclan, where the American rock group Eagles of Death had just launched into their hit song, Kiss the Devil.  A thousand five hundred people raised their hands and began to move with the music as the group began to sing:

Who’ll love the devil?

Who’ll sing his song?

Who will love the devil and his song?

Kiss the Devil - 2The song finishes with the line: I will love the devil and sing his song!  (See below for the complete lyrics.)  The tee shirt worn by the drummer clearly displayed a satanic pentagram.

This is not to say that everyone who was attending the concert were satan worshippers.  A Christian friend of mine was invited to the concert by a colleague of his.  My friend decided at the last minute not to go; the colleague was shot in the head. He is now in stable condition having lost an eye and part of his forehead.

Though the Eagles of Death had performed recently in Tele Aviv, I AM NOT suggesting that the Bataclan became the target BECAUSE of this satanic song.  It is highly likely the terrorists did not even speak English, let alone understand the lyrics that were being sung.  Actually, I am more inclined to believe that the Bataclan became the target of this attack because it was the sight of a Christian concert last month in support of Israel. (My wife sang at that concert.)

It makes me shutter to think that so many souls were thrust into eternity, and they will meet their Creator; and the last words on their lips were, “I will love the devil and sing his song!”  Were these people really worshipping the devil? Or were they just enjoying the song?

Kiss the Devil -3It is very likely there were in the crowd those who really did love the devil.  And they wanted to “sing his song” and “kiss him on the tongue.”  I sense in my heart though, that most of the people attending the concert were not hard core satan worshippers.  They just like this kind of music and this kind of stupid song.

However, life is not a game.  There is a real heaven to gain and a real hell to shun. And there are fewer manifestations of the devil more accurate than that of the Islamic terrorists who took the lives of those wishing to “kiss the devil.” It is horrific to think that they got their wish.

It should be stated that all of the members of the band escaped unscathed through a door in back of the stage.  They will all live to sing another song.

The first of the gun shots inside the Bataclan actually exploded as the group began “Kiss the Devil.”

Lyrics to “Kiss the Devil”

Kiss the Devil - 4Who’ll love the devil? / Who’ll song his song? / Who will love the devil and his song?

I’ll love the devil! / I’ll sing his song! / I will love the devil and his song!

Who’ll love the devil? / Who’ll kiss his tongue? / Who will kiss the devil on his tongue?

I’ll love the devil! / I’ll kiss his tongue! / I will kiss the devil on his tongue!

Who’ll love the devil? / Who’ll sing his song? / I will love the devil and his song!

Who’ll love the devil? / Who’ll kiss his tongue? / I will kiss the devil on his tongue!

Who’ll love the devil? / Who’ll sing his song? / I WILL LOVE THE DEVIL AND SING HIS SONG!


     Robert and Kathryn Baxter have been living near Paris, France since 1988 and have been actively involved in pastoring a local church and in church planting since that time.They are currently the senior leaders of the church Le Bon Erger, a multilingual, multiethnic, multigenerational and multi-site church.

They have had a role in planting more than 20 churches, mostly in France and Western Europe. 

Robert has also been serving since November 2015 as the National Director of the French branch of the International Christian Embassy of Jerusalem. This is a ministry in Israel founded in 1980 that demonstrates the love of Christ to people living in the Middle East.


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