Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.



Monday, May 22, 2017 about 12:25 pm I heard the following three-word prompt which I wrote down and waited.

“Prepare to Write!”

A brief time later I heard the following:

“The day is coming, and soon will be, that I commence with the destructions that I have spoken. The West Coast will be in turmoil when I sink San Francisco and split the ground of California. Yes, even Los Angeles will not escape.”

“The rich and famous that I do not destroy will be fleeing their mansions on the West Coast. They will say:  ‘Well it was good while it lasted’.”

“Those that remain in that region of my people will know that this is of me and will pray and seek my face as never before. I will be gracious to them and all that turn to me. However, the nay-sayers, adulterous, the murderers, and the effeminate, and all liars will have a place in the lake that I have built for the devil and his angels.”

“Fear not, indeed fear not to speak this word for it is true and faithful. All that I have spoken will surely come to pass. I am the Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who came in flesh; who died and was buried and who was raised from the dead to live forevermore.”

A few minutes later I heard:

“They have learned nothing, Little One. They do not listen to my words.”


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