Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

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Cited from Encourage Vol. 3, No. 9 (October 2016): 2-3 ( By: IPHC Presiding Bishop Doug Beacham We are citizens of two commonwealths: One is the earthly nation where we are citizens; the other an eternal kingdom that transcends time and space. The Bible tells us that God holds the nations “as a drop in […]

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JENTEZEN FRANKLIN JOINS JAMES DOBSON AND LONG LIST OF OTHERS OUTRAGED OVER CLINTON’S ANTI-CHRISTIAN BIGOTRY By: Jentezen Franklin, and others As Christian leaders, Catholic and evangelical, we collectively express our outrage at the demeaning and troubling rhetoric used by those within Secretary Clinton’s campaign—and those associated with the campaign—to describe our communities. Recently released emails clearly ridicule, demean and smear Roman Catholics and evangelicals. It is especially alarming that […]

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FRANKLIN GRAHAM SPEAKS OUT ABOUT ELECTION By: Franklin Graham   October 16, 2016 A lot of people are slamming evangelicals for supposedly giving Donald J. Trump a pass. That’s simply not true. No one is giving him a pass. I’m certainly not, and I’ve not met an evangelical yet who condones his language or inexcusable behavior from over a decade ago. However, he […]

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JAMES DOBSON STANDS BY ENDORSEMENT OF DONALD TRUMP One of America’s most respected Christian leaders speaks out. Dr. Dobson is the founder and current host of “Family Talk.” He is an American evangelical Christian author, psychologist, and founder in 1977 of Focus on the Family, which he led until 2003. By: Michael F. Haverluck (, Thursday, Oct. 13, 2016 “I do not condone […]

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OVERCOME MINISTRY BURNOUT BY LEARNING TO SAY “NO!” By: Karl Vaters I can’t do it all. Neither can you. Even though I love saying ‘yes’. Yes to God. Yes to people. Yes to crazy ideas that might turn out to be great ideas in disguise. But I’ve learned that saying ‘yes’ means more when it’s balanced by the proper use of the […]

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JIM GARLOW CLARIFIES HOW THE VERY FUTURE OF AMERICA IS AT STAKE Jim Garlow is a graduate of Southern Nazarene University in Bethany, Oklahoma and earned his doctorate at Drew University. He is the pastor of Skyline Church in San Diego and succeeded John Maxwell in that role. – Pastor Frank By: Dr. Jim Garlow, Pastor Skyline Church, San Diego I have been asked “the question” […]

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If Your Church is Drifting and Stuck, Should You Try to Change From Within? By: Jonathan Herron What do you do if you’re a frustrated support staff member of a visionless church? Do you try to change things from within? THE QUESTION: Hi Jonathan, I was at the Youth Workers Retreat that you spoke at last weekend, and I had a follow up question for you. First of […]

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5 STEPS TO TAKE AFTER SAYING SOMETHING STUPID IN PUBLIC By: Karl Vaters Every time I preach there’s a chance I’ll say something stupid. Sometimes my mistakes are harmless, like when I quoted God at the burning bush telling Moses, “Take off your feet, you’re standing on holy ground.” Other times people get hurt. Sometimes the very people I’m trying to help. Now that […]

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THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF PASTORS DON’T HAVE ONE By: Lance Witt  9-5-2016 Imagine a day in your future. You are now seventy or seventy-five, and the pace of life has slowed. You get up early in the morning and sit in your favorite chair with a cup of coffee. The house is still and silent. No one is there but you and […]

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WILL MORE INVITATIONS RESULT IN MORE SALVATIONS? By Hal Seed // For a long time I’ve wondered if there is a relationship between the number of salvations a church experiences, and the number of times it offers salvation invitations. We’ll never know for sure, but I’m conducting an experiment this year. For a long time I’ve wondered if there is […]

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