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[Cited from Hugh’s News and Commentary.] September 5, 2016 I am writing on behalf of the Council of Bishops of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. Our denomination dates from 1898 and we have congregations and members in forty-eight of the fifty states of our union, as well as in one hundred countries.     First, we write to express […]

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George O. Wood, General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, Speaks Out
AMERICA NOW AT A MATTHEW 13:25 TIPPING POINT By: George O. Wood Mattthew 13:25-26: “While everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.” I feel impelled to write you this most unusual pastoral letter. I do it out of deep concern and I ask […]

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Johns Hopkins Scientists Offer Proof Gay Agenda’s ‘Born This Way’ “Is Not Supported by Scientific Evidence”

This article is a must read for all of my readers. – Pastor Frank Executive Summary  –  Special Report  – Sexuality and Gender Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences Published in The New Atlantis, Fall 2016 A Journal of Technology & Society Executive Summary  By: Lawrence S. Mayer, Paul R. McHugh This report presents a careful summary […]

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ISIS KILL LIST NAMES 15,000 CHRISTIAN AMERICANS TARGETED FOR DEATH By: BETHANY BLANKLEY  8/8/2016 According to a report recently made public, early this year, ISIS specifically identified 15,000 Christian Americans for death and instructed jihadists already in America to begin widespread murder. The Kill List report comes in the wake of ISIS already publicly warning American and British Christians that “they were next.” British police last […]

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15 Things Young Preachers Need to Know About Seniors

15 things young preachers need to know about seniors By: Joe McKeever  7/20/16 “They will still bear fruit in old age. They will be full of sap and very green…” (Psalm 92:14). All generalizations are false. Including this one. Every rule has its exceptions. Including this one. Even so, I’m going to make some general […]

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Dutch Sheets: America Will Choose Her Destiny With These 7 Ideals

Originally published at By: Dutch Sheets America is in a fight for her destiny. Our upcoming presidential election is about more than which personality or political party we prefer. A well-known Christian author has written a well-circulated blog suggesting Christians shouldn’t vote for Donald Trump. His reasons center around the poor witness and example of Christianity he believes Trump […]

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THANK YOU to each of you who have responded to date. I appreciate hearing from you. So far, the only responses I have received are enerally supportive of cremation. Aat the conclusion of these responses, I will offer to you Jewish law on this subject, Pastor T. Elwood Long, retired N.C. Conference bishop. I thank […]

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In stirring prayer, Condoleezza Rice urges Americans to race together toward God

Originally posted at By: Cliff Simms, July 13, 2016 Alabama native and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice delivered a stirring prayer over the weekend during a church service at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in California. Rice was born and raised in Birmingham. She addressed the racially-charged atmosphere sweeping the nation in the wake […]

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Cremation Confusion: Is it Unscriptural for a Christian to be Cremated?

What, dear readers, is your experience with cremations? I would like very much to hear from readers who are willing to talk about the subject, and I hope to share some of your thinking in a blog soon. The national average for cremations as a percentage of all funerals has skyrocketed from 5% in 1962, to 25.5% […]

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Russia’s New Law: No Evangelizing Outside of Church

 This article was released June 29. President Putin has now signed this very oppressive law. It is now the law of the land  in Russia. — Pastor Frank Originally published at:  By: Kate Shellnutt Christians in Russia won’t be allowed to email their friends an invitation to church or to evangelize in their own […]

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