Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Author Archive

Supreme Court Weighs Why Abortion Clinics Are Closing at Record Rates

Texas case is the pro-life movement’s first return to the high court in a decade. By Kate Shellnut The first abortion case to reach the US Supreme Court in nearly a decade stands to impact the fate of most clinics in Texas—and possibly clinics in states with similar restrictions that have led to years of record closures. […]

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10 Clear Signs Your Church Is Sick

By Thom Rainer There are certain metrics and issues physicians check when we go to the doctor. They want to check our blood pressure and temperature. They do blood tests to see if there are any warning signs. They are looking for symptoms that might indicate real problems exist. After working with churches for thirty […]

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What Do I Do With Church Members Who Hate Me?

You Will Give Account for Their Souls By Brian Croft  2-24-16 One of the most significant implications from Hebrews 13:17 (giving account for souls) I learned early in ministry was that I don’t have the right to dislike and refuse to care for someone’s soul that God has entrusted to me.  This is important to realize as pastors because we all […]

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4 Signs Your Church May Not Need Small Groups

By Karl Vaters    02-27-16 When it comes to small groups, what works for big churches may not work for small churches. Small group ministry is a must for a healthy church. We need the fellowship, the accountability and so much more. But what if you can’t get small groups going strong in your small church, no matter […]

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Why 734 Pastors Quit (and How Their Churches Could Have Kept Them)

The Lifeway Survey that produced these findings focused primarily on why pastors left: change in calling, conflict, and burnout. These big three, plus others, identify where local churches, conferences and denominations need to work to improve the retention rates among pastors. – Pastor Frank By Lisa Cannon Green No sabbatical. No help with counseling. No clear picture […]

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10 Ways to Connect with Older Congregations

By: Lane Sebring My church has two Sunday services. The earlier service is a more traditional worship environment. This service tends to be attended by an older demographic. From my experience of preaching this service I have made some observations about preaching to older crowds: 1. Older crowds are way more receptive to young preachers […]

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Muslim Family Says Jesus Appeared to Them With a Specific Message

 First released by Charisma News, 2:00PM EST 2/15/2016 By: Mark Ellis/God Reports It’s a modern Saul and Ananias story! Tyler Connell with the Ekballo Project has been touring college campuses around the U.S., sharing stories and video from his most recent trip to Middle East, where he documented a dramatic move of God among Muslims, […]

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Why Your Marriage is Like Your Garden

By John McGee A few years ago my wife and I were vacationing with some friends on Vancouver Island. We were driving around looking for some off-the-beaten-path point of interest when suddenly we came upon a home with the most amazing garden I had ever seen. Right there in the middle of the road, I […]

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How to Protect Your Teen from the Dangers of Pornography

[Editor’s note: I have deleted from this article the stats, since they are covered in Josh McDowell’s research.] By: Mark Haviland Our families are under full-blown assault and our children are becoming the greatest casualties! This is such a large and complex subject to cover and we will only scratch the surface within this article, […]

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