Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Author Archive

“Convert or Die:” In a Caliphate-ridden Iraq, Christians Face Ultimate Choice

Author Unknown Originally posted at Fox News In Iraq today, Assyrian Christians have two blunt options — convert or die. With the radical Islamic State’s proud announcement that “the caliphate is here” (that note is painted on the walls of their cities), the next step in their plan is to systematically eradicate Christians from the […]

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‘What’s Wrong with a Hug?’

When a child in our church complained about an adult volunteer’s physical affection, we faced a difficult decision. By: Name Withheld Originally published in Leadership Journal at Christianity Today It was the last thing any church leader wants to hear at the end of a long, sweaty week of VBS. A mother, visibly upset, approached […]

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11 Christian Missionaries Crucified and Beheaded

By:  ANNIE COTTON/CHRISTIAN AID MISSION Originally posted on Charisma News   At several steps on their path to death by beheading and crucifixion last month, 11 indigenous Christian workers near Aleppo, Syria, had the option to leave the area and live. The 12-year-old son of a ministry team leader also could have spared his life […]

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Legal Scholars Rise Up Against the Supreme Court’s Judicial Despotism

By Michael Brown Originally posted on Charisma News I’ve been saying that 2015 is the year of pushback, and this might be the most significant act of pushing back so far: A group of legal scholars, most of them university professors, have declared that the Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage this past June 26 is not “the law of […]

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A Family Divided: Another Year Behind Prison Bars for Pastor Saeed Abedini

“Remember the Prisoners As If Chained With Them” The original article first appeared at ACLJ. September 20.  After two months without any physical affection or contact with family, today, American Pastor Saeed Abedini was able to have a visitation by a family member. It is through these visitations that Pastor Saeed expresses the pain and […]

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Why Christianity Is Surging in the Heart of Islam

Original Article appeared in Christianity Today By: Jayson Casper, (in the United Arab Emirates) September 11, 2005  Sam Espada led friends in a chorus of “Happy Birthday” for his sombrero-wearing brother at a Mexican restaurant. After dinner, they saw the latest Hollywood blockbuster. The five-story mall could have been anywhere in America, except that every […]

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By: David Shibley This article originally appeared on CharismaNews. William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army and a man who dedicated his life to lifting the poor out of sin and poverty, reportedly made this state­ment: “Most Christian organizations would like to send their workers to Bible college for five years. I would like to […]

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11 Types of Healthy Churches That Often Stay Small

By Karl Vaters This article originally appeared on Christianity Today. Many types of churches fulfill the Great Commission without seeing their own numerical growth. “If a church stays small, they must be doing something wrong. It can’t possibly be healthy.” This has been an underlying assumption of many in the church growth movement. (Although it’s […]

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Southern Baptists Will Cut 600 to 800 Missionaries and Staff

David Platt: International Mission Board overspent $210 million over last 6 years. By: Bob Smietana August 25, 2015. Two months after promoting plans to send out “limitless” numbers of missionaries, the International Mission Board (IMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) faces a financial crisis. IMB president David Platt announced Thursday that the agency needs to cut at […]

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