Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

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CHINESE AUHORITIES BLOW UP CHRISTIAN MEGACHURCH WITH DYNAMITE Chinese authorities blow up Lampstand Church with dynamite in LinFen, China, Pop. 4.3 million. ‘The repeated persecution… demonstrates that the Chinese government has no respect for religious freedom or human rights,’ says Christian group. By: Chris Baynes of The Independent Chinese authorities have demolished a well-known Christian megachurch, inflaming long-standing tensions between religious groups […]

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Pennsylvania Democrats: Allah is fine, Jesus is not. By: Todd Starnes William Penn (October 14, 1644 – July 30, 1718) established a colony where people of faith could practice whatever religion they desired. Pennsylvania became the only colony without a state-run church. Penn’s gift to America was freedom of religion, the right to practice one’s faith in the public marketplace. “All Persons […]

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YOUR PLAN B IS STILL GOD’S PLAN  By: Sandra Peoples In 2015, my husband and I moved from rural Pennsylvania and left a church we loved to do something risky—plant a new church in suburban Texas. Our vision for the church was to welcome people with disabilities. We see special-needs families as an unreached people group, since so many don’t attend […]

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U.S. MISSIONARY, AN ORU GRADUATE, KILLED BY ‘WORLD’S MOST ISOLATED TRIBE John Allen Chau returned to the prohibited island even after being shot: “It’s worth it to declare Jesus to these people.” BY: KATE SHELLNUTT  A 26-year-old American missionary was killed on a remote island off the coast of India, where he attempted to share the gospel with the most isolated tribe in the world. All […]

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A CAROL FOR THE DESPAIRING Penned during the Civil War, Longfellow’s ‘I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day’ is a carol for our age. By: KRISTEN O’NEAL The word apocalypse in the Greek means “uncovering,” and 2018 has been a year of uncoverings, of pulling back the curtain to reveal the worst things that people can do to one […]

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CHINA CRACKS DOWN – AGAIN   The [Chinese] government is removing crosses from their steeples and replacing them with the national flag. Inside, the crosses are being replaced with pictures of President Xi. Congregations must sing patriotic songs in worship. Parents can’t bring their children to church. CHINA CRACKS DOWN – AGAIN By: Mark Galli The tanks don’t always […]

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“Their suffering does not go unnoticed by God, and so it should never go unnoticed by us.” Ed Stetzer    Shut down after Sunday services, influential congregation had refused orders to install government face recognition surveillance cameras. WORLD WATCH MONITOR Christianity Today’s Jeremy Weber contributed to this report. Beijing authorities threatened to close Zion Church […]

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ABUSE CLAIMS AGAIN THE TOP REASON CHURCHES GO TO COURT BY: RICHARD HAMMAR Analysis of 2017 data also shows property disputes, zoning issues among the top problems. I do a litigation review every year for church leaders based on about 12,000 cases I read pertaining to religious organizations across all 50 states and the federal courts. I systematically categorize them by type to help […]

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JACKIE HILL PERRY: I LOVED MY GIRLFRIEND—BUT GOD LOVED ME MORE       BY: Jackie Hill Perry How an epiphany about the wages of my sin opened the door for His cleansing light. I loved my girlfriend too much not to be appalled at the prospect of laying aside not only the way I loved but also who I loved. To do what I assumed God […]

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Two articles are included in this blog that every pastor and Chrisian worker would be blessed to read. The first is about a pastor who suffered from depression and took his life. The second is a well written article about a young lesbian woman who found forgiveness and freedom in Jesus Christ. The day come could when having read and pondered each of  them will […]

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