Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

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8 SURPRISING ATTITUDE SHIFTS THAT WILL HELP YOU GET NEW VOLUNTEERS BY: HAL SEED Who knew that getting more volunteers would depend so much on how you think about it  – and how you talk about it. 1. It’s God’s Problem. He got you into this mess. It’s his problem to get you out of it! Well, maybe he didn’t exactly get you into it, […]

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THESE BOMBS LED ME TO CHRIST The “Napalm Girl” from a famous Vietnam War photo tells her story of coming to faith. By: Kim Phuc Phan Thi You have seen my picture a thousand times. It’s a picture that made the world gasp—a picture that defined my life. I am nine years old, running along a puddled roadway in front […]

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HOW YOUR CHURCH CAN HONOR MOMS ON MOTHER’S DAY BY: RAUL RIVERA   Every year there are certain Sundays that some refer to as “big” Sundays. These are the Sundays, such as Easter Sunday, when many people who may not be regular congregants decide to attend church. What makes these Sundays so “big” is the evangelistic opportunity that churches have on newcomers. Mother’s Day […]

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5 TOP PRIORITIES FOR INCREASING YOUR CHURCH This article is a classic on church growth. It was first released in 2010 and since then has gone  around the world, influencing  the growth of thousands of churches. It’s a must-read, even if you have read it before. — Pastor Frank  By: Charles Arn on Sep 1, 2010 Whether you’re in a church of 20 or […]

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EVANGELIST BILLY GRAHAM HAS DIED ‘America’s pastor’ shaped modern evangelicalism. By: Marshall Shelley Billy Graham was perhaps the most significant religious figure of the 20th century, and the organizations and the movement he helped spawn continue to shape the 21st. During his life, Graham preached in person to more than 100 million people and to millions more via television, […]

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EAGLES WIN THE SUPER BOWL, THEN EXHIBIT TRUE SUCCESS true-success By: Dr. Jim Denison | February 5, 2018 Super Bowl LII set all kinds of records. The Eagles and Patriots combined for the most yards ever in an NFL playoff game. Nick Foles was the first quarterback ever to catch a touchdown in a Super Bowl. It was the first Super Bowl title for Philadelphia, […]

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BLAME US FOR GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN     By: Cal Thomas If we don’t like what is happening in Washington — and few do — the blame must be placed squarely where it belongs. It is “we the people” who send these people here. We send people of different and often opposing viewpoints to Washington and expect them to get […]

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THE SURPRISING REASON YOU ARE WHERE YOU ARE By: Ron Hutchcraft Some years ago, we took a delegation of teenagers to a youth conference at the Jersey Shore, and one of our volunteers was one of the counselors. One evening she left the meeting early to check on one of the kids from our group. She started walking down the Boardwalk. Suddenly […]

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ANDY SAVAGE’S STANDING OVATION WAS HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. BECAUSE IT WAS WRONG. This is a needed, and provocative article for all of our churches. Ed Stetzer’s is certainly right: the church is responsible to protect the abused, and not the abuser. At the same time, the problem with this article, it seems to me, is that it does not go far enough. We are to protect the abused, […]

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ATHANASIUS LISTED WRITINGS WITH POWER TO HELP By: DAN GRAVES, MSL When you open a Bible, you see at once that it is made up of many shorter books. Do you ever wonder how people decided which books should be included in the Bible? It was important for Christians to know what was true scripture. For one thing, they needed to know what teachings […]

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