Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

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WHAT YOUR PASTOR REALLY WANTS FOR CHRISTMAS BY:The editors of This Christmas, forego the wooden praying hands, the cross-stitched Bible verses, and the clever bobble-heads. When we asked pastors what they wanted for Christmas, most of their answers fell into one of three categories: appreciation, rest, and time. So think twice before grabbing that last-minute Starbucks gift card; this list […]

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CAN THERE BE ONE RIGHT RELIGION?; Posted November 14, 2017   By: Sean McDowell Recently I was in a conversation with a friend, and he asked how I could say that Jesus is the only way. I simply responded, “I’m not saying it. Jesus said it. Take it up with him.” He certainly didn’t expect that response. And I didn’t […]

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THE ONE GROUP YOU MIGHT FORGET THIS CHRISTMAS By John McGee  Nov. 27, 2017 The holiday season is upon us. As a pastor you have planned Christmas Eve services, prepared end-of-year reports, and been invited to more Christmas parties than you care to remember. With all of the activity involved in getting your church ready for Christmas, it can be easy to […]

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By Phil Larson, as told to Frank Tunstall The world’s largest casino is located on I-35 at the Texas/Oklahoma border. It’s the economic powerhouse of the whole area. The casino also multiplies drunkenness, illegal drugs, gangs, shootings, prostitution, and every other form of sin. In short, broken families and abused children litter the landscape.  I […]

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BEING A SMALL CHURCH PASTOR ISN’T A PENALTY, IT’S A SPECIALTY BY: KARL VATERS For years I bucked against the idea that I am a small church pastor. Instead of seeing it as my calling, my heart and my passion, I treated it like it was my penalty for not having the skills to be a big church pastor. So I consumed every church growth […]

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HOW WE GOT OUR BIBLE: CHRISTIAN HISTORY TIMELINE Have you ever wondered how the Bible has developed through the centuries, so that we today have the Bible in English? Dr. Phillip Comfort does a good job tracing the development of the Bible in this chronology, up to the publication of the King James Bible in 1611. One of the major points of contention that […]

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OVER A MILLION POLES GATHER TO PRAY FOR THEIR COUNTRY; MAINSTREAM MEDIA CALLS IT ISLAMOPHOBIC By Onan Coca  October 11, 2017 Almost 90% of the people in Poland identify as some denomination of “Christian” with about 87% of the population claiming to be Roman Catholic. So when more than 1 million Polish citizens gathered at the nation’s borders to pray for the future of their country, they were mostly praying as […]

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www.utm_source=internal&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=blog&utm_content=irs_taxes_pastor_for_salary_he_never_received_2017_10_05 By: Raul Rivera This time of year we get an abundance of phone calls from pastors who have still not filed taxes or from those who feel they have prepared them incorrectly. Although ministry often requires pastors to “bring things to light,” I am amazed at how many pastors each year leave their taxes […]

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By: Onan Coca  September 22, 2017 In an amazing display of solidarity with their history, more than 200,000 Ukrainians poured out on to the streets of Kiev to sing songs and to praise Jesus as they celebrated the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. (Something we will do here in the USA on October 31st.) Sergey Rakhuba […]

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THIS DOGMA WON’T HUNT: Feinstein, Durbin, Sanders, and the New Religious Test for Office So much for Article VI of the U.S. Constitution By: Ed Stetzer  Sept 8, 2017   Christians will be applauded when they show up to feed, clothe, shelter, and encourage the battered victims of Harvey and Irma. As long as they keep their dogma in their hearts and not in their mouths, they are welcomed—but […]

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