Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

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This article speaks to a trend taking place in most pastoral circles – the growth of women becoming senior pastors. IPHC from its beginning has been willing to ordain women as pastors. At least one of our conferences with which I am familiar has about 20% female pastors. This study, however, did not specifically address […]

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FRANKLIN GRAHAM ISSUES URGENT CALL TO PRAYER AFTER RADICAL ISLAMIC THREAT TO COPTIC CHRISTIANS IN EGYPT If your church is not already doing so, I urge you this Sunday to begin the habit of praying in every Sunday morning service for the persecuted church around the world. This is especially true in the Middle East, including Egypt, where the Coptic Church is being destroyed. Please accept my challenge!    – Pastor Frank […]

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“PROCLAIMING THE KINGDOM IN A WORLD OF FAKE NEWS” By: Bishop Doug Beacham In this day of directional apps such as Waze and Google Maps, we have become accustomed to “alternate” routes and “recalculating.” To use an app that helps you avoid traffic snarls is indeed a blessing. But we are now full speed ahead in a world that has no shame or […]

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Dr. Ron White serves as president of Emmanuel College. He assumed that role October 4, 2014, when Emmanuel was in an acute financial crisis. Dr. White made the decision to lead Emmanuel on his knees.      I was in dialogue with Dr. White regarding his comments about my treatment of Jesus’ High Priestly prayer in […]

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Many congregations will not be able to afford a lobby like the one in this picture. But take a new look at your church lobby; is it time for a remodel? – Pastor Frank By: The Editors, Local Church Outreach The church lobby is where first and lasting impressions are made. Yet for many years, the […]

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Kate von Bora, Example for Lutheran Wives

Martin Luther’s most famous single act arguably was nailing his 95 theses on the door of Wittenburg Church in Germany on October 31, 1517. The five hundreth anniversary of this event that launched the Protestant Reformation is being celebrated worldwide this year, leading up to October 31. Many people realize the importance of that single […]

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PLANNED PARENTHOOD KILLS 35% OF ALL OF THE UNBORN BABIES ABORTED IN THE UNITED STATES By:  RITA DILLER   JAN 19, 2017 This week, the Guttmacher Institute came out with a new report on national abortion numbers in the United States for 2013 and 2014. For For those not familiar with abortion reporting in the United States, the official health statistics reporting agency in the country, the Centers for Disease Control and […]

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Top 50 Countries Where Persecution of Christians Is Strongest: Open Doors’ 2017 World Watch List is Released By: Debbie McDaniel This past year, for the 3rd year in a row, persecution of Christians has hit a record high worldwide. Open Doors has released its 2017 World Watch List (WWL) and cites increasing concerns for Asia along with the Middle East, due to both ethnic nationalism and Islamic extremism. “The annual list examines the pressures […]

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GUARDING YOUR SCHEDULE (AND SOUL) IN THE NEW YEAR January 9, 2017 By Ted Cunningham In Part 1 of “Guarding Your Schedule (and Soul) in the New Year” we saw how God wants us to pursue ministry and enjoy a life in which time is not the enemy. Hurry kills the soul and the family so we want to pace ourselves and redeem […]

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