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  Monday, May 22, 2017 about 12:25 pm I heard the following three-word prompt which I wrote down and waited. “Prepare to Write!” A brief time later I heard the following: “The day is coming, and soon will be, that I commence with the destructions that I have spoken. The West Coast will be in […]

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Prompts from the Holy Spirit

John H. Tunstall, D. Ed.   THE SPIRIT SPEAKS Prophecies received by John H. Tunstall, Ed. D The Earth to Swallow up San Francisco Sunday Sept 4, 2016 about 6:20 p.m., I received the following prompt which is true and faithful.  “It shall indeed happen. In a moment it shall happen. The last great rock shall […]

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January 23, 2011 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

Jan 23, 2011 Famine Coming to India Early this morning, I had a night vision that I believe is prophetic: In vision, I was in the great nation of India and was talking to a man on a street that I did not recognize. The street was very dry and dusty. I looked to my […]

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March 23, 2007 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

March 23, 2007 about 12:13 a.m. as I was online, the voice of the Holy One, I believe, began to speak: “I have called and I have chosen you. You have written and now you will begin to see it come to pass.” (I heard this March 23, 2007 prompt just a few months before […]

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March 10, 2007 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

March 10, 2007 about 11:20 a.m. while hearing a confirming prompt that San Francisco would be destroyed, I heard an additional prompt as follows: “Los Angeles will not be spared.” The Holy One later spoke yet again: “…a great ravine will open up across California that will make the Grand Canyon look like a miniature.”

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March 9, 2007 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

March 9, 2007 About 8:20 p.m. I heard the following prompt. I believe it is from the Holy One. “The sinful city, I will destroy it. I will indeed destroy it. The city by the sea, I will destroy.” Write it! It is San Francisco! Indeed, My wrath is stirred up against the sinful city. […]

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January 6, 2006 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

Jan 6, 2006 About 8:55 a.m. While I was in meditation, studying the Scriptures and in prayer— the Spirit began to speak woes on the sinful church and I wrote it down. “The church is not my church. They play beautiful music and play lovely songs, yet I am not pleased with them. They are […]

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December 25, 2005 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

Dec 25, 2005 about 3:00 a.m. I was awakened early on Christmas day. While I was in prayer, meditation, reading the Scriptures and thanking the Lord for coming to earth to redeem us, the Spirit began to speak very powerfully. He was in no celebrating mood. This time He spoke the title of what was […]

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December 19, 2005 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

Dec 19, 2005 I was awake early and was motivated in the Spirit to prayer and meditation. The Holy Spirit began to speak very powerfully. The Spirit spoke the Lord’s judgment on the faithless ones in his professing church, on Jerusalem, and on the United States. “Behold the days are coming when men will seek […]

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