Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Christian Workers

THIS IS DESTROYING MORE CHURCHES, PASTORS, MARRIAGES, AND PEOPLE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN HISTORY “The greatest threat to the cause of Christ in the history of the world.” – Josh McDowell BY: CONQUER SERIES  8:00AM EDT 7/16/2018 As we see the daily political and social turmoil in our society, Christians are praying for God to send a spiritual revival to stir the church and ignite the fire of repentance […]

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WHERE HAVE ALL THE CHURCH PLANTERS GONE?                  What’s the greatest hindrance to effective church planting? BY: Jeff Christopherson You might expect to get varied answers to this question from church planting theorists, strategists, and practitioners, but among those consistently participating in this conversation one comment bubbles to the top almost every time: A scarcity of prepared leaders. This wasn’t true […]

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HOW CHURCHES CAN HONOR DADS THIS FATHER’S DAY   By: Raul Rivera My role as a father is part of what shapes me and what I do with each day of my life; striving to make a difference in the lives of my family. I have written about my father and the father-figures God has placed in my life and how these […]

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3 COMMON REASONS FOR MINISTRY BURNOUT By: Raul Rivera Burnout reason #1: Critical Church Members Oftentimes, one of the greatest sources of burnout for a pastor can come from the very people that he or she serves on a weekly basis – church members. These are the folks for which you often stay up late praying. These are the individuals […]

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8 SURPRISING ATTITUDE SHIFTS THAT WILL HELP YOU GET NEW VOLUNTEERS BY: HAL SEED Who knew that getting more volunteers would depend so much on how you think about it  – and how you talk about it. 1. It’s God’s Problem. He got you into this mess. It’s his problem to get you out of it! Well, maybe he didn’t exactly get you into it, […]

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By: Frank G. Tunstall  Luke records a story about Jesus paying a visit to a home owned by a woman named Martha, in a village Luke did not name. She had a sister named Mary living with her. Luke’s story makes no mention of a brother. The women hosted a meal for Jesus and His […]

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    Introduction By: Frank G. Tunstall Dr. Maureen Farrell Garcia has written an excellent article on how to spot sex offenders in the church. In fact, it’s the best I have ever read. I think it is must reading for all pastors and Christian workers charged with training and protecting children and young people. Every youth pastor should read […]


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