Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Church Planting

THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST (RE-)EMERGENCE IN CHURCH PLANTING        Ed Stetzer spoke at the recent IPHC General Conference in Orlando. He says that “Church planting accelerates and advances the kingdom in exponential ways.” We can see much of our own IPHC church planting history in how Dr. Stetzer spells out theirs.- Pastor Frank By: Ed Stetzer In the last few years, Southern […]

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CAMBODIANS USHER IN A MIRACULOUS MOMENT FOR CHRISTIANITY cambodians-usher-in-miraculous-moment-for-christianity.html One of the great revivals of modern times is now happening in Cambodia, a 97% Buddhist nation. The church has grown from 200 Christians in the country in 1979, when the brutal Communist dictator Pol Pot lost power, to over 300,000 believers today. History holds Pol Pot responsible for the deaths of 1.5 million […]

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SOME QUICK THOUGHTS ON HOUSE CHURCHES: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND WHY YOU SHOULD BE OPEN TO THEM Hillsong has just released about twenty of their lyric videos to Sermon Spice. Since a growing number of our churches use lyric videos in worship, I decided to share this ad with you; it is included at the end of this article by Ed Stetzer. Dr. Stetzer will be one of the speakers at the […]

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PLANTING 1,000 CHURCHES IN YOUR LIFETIME Ed Stetzer will be one of the speakers at the upcoming IPHC General Conference. — Pastor Frank By: Ed Stetzer Churches need to be planted and then quickly need to plant other churches. In order to start a movement and plant 1,000 churches in your lifetime, you need to think about church planting through […]

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