Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Church Growth

SINGLES: A VITAL PART OF OUR CHURCHES Singles make up half of our churches, so we best learn to treat all people—married or single—equally. By: Ed Stetzer Let me just get this out there at the outset: For many, being single in the church can sometimes feel very awkward. I have heard a number of singles tell me stories that have […]

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CITY BANS CHURCH FROM WORSHIPING IN COFFEE SHOP By: Raul Rivera What if a zoning law could keep your church from holding worship services? A church in Maryland has recently found itself in a legal battle with the city of Laurel, Maryland over zoning laws and whether or not it can continue to hold worship services. This is not the first time a […]

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WHY GOD CHOSE ABRAHAM, An Appeal to Fathers

By: Frank Tunstall, D. Min.  Why did God choose Abraham and his loyal wife, Sarah? The answer to that question frames a powerful challenge to fathers as we come to Father’s Day, 2018. In ancient culture, the father in the home carried the primary duty to instruct his children.  It also meant each dad in […]

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  By: Frank G. Tunstall The term, progressive revelation suggests in theology the ongoing discovery of new Biblical revelation, which, of course, is exactly what happened in the Old Testament era (Hebrews 1:1-4). This unfolding of the character of God and His plan of redemption of mankind continued through the death and resurrection of Jesus […]

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3 COMMON REASONS FOR MINISTRY BURNOUT By: Raul Rivera Burnout reason #1: Critical Church Members Oftentimes, one of the greatest sources of burnout for a pastor can come from the very people that he or she serves on a weekly basis – church members. These are the folks for which you often stay up late praying. These are the individuals […]

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8 SURPRISING ATTITUDE SHIFTS THAT WILL HELP YOU GET NEW VOLUNTEERS BY: HAL SEED Who knew that getting more volunteers would depend so much on how you think about it  – and how you talk about it. 1. It’s God’s Problem. He got you into this mess. It’s his problem to get you out of it! Well, maybe he didn’t exactly get you into it, […]

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5 TOP PRIORITIES FOR INCREASING YOUR CHURCH This article is a classic on church growth. It was first released in 2010 and since then has gone  around the world, influencing  the growth of thousands of churches. It’s a must-read, even if you have read it before. — Pastor Frank  By: Charles Arn on Sep 1, 2010 Whether you’re in a church of 20 or […]

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By Phil Larson, as told to Frank Tunstall The world’s largest casino is located on I-35 at the Texas/Oklahoma border. It’s the economic powerhouse of the whole area. The casino also multiplies drunkenness, illegal drugs, gangs, shootings, prostitution, and every other form of sin. In short, broken families and abused children litter the landscape.  I […]

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BEING A SMALL CHURCH PASTOR ISN’T A PENALTY, IT’S A SPECIALTY BY: KARL VATERS For years I bucked against the idea that I am a small church pastor. Instead of seeing it as my calling, my heart and my passion, I treated it like it was my penalty for not having the skills to be a big church pastor. So I consumed every church growth […]

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