Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Church Growth

THE SUCCESS AFFAIR Why do so many adulterous relationships begin when ministry is going well? By: Mike MacKenzie Jake’s father was a successful politician and his mother was a lawyer. He had a proclivity toward philosophy and music, and he looked like a rock star with his unkempt hair, flannel shirts, and tattooed forearms. While attending a […]

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CAMBODIANS USHER IN A MIRACULOUS MOMENT FOR CHRISTIANITY cambodians-usher-in-miraculous-moment-for-christianity.html One of the great revivals of modern times is now happening in Cambodia, a 97% Buddhist nation. The church has grown from 200 Christians in the country in 1979, when the brutal Communist dictator Pol Pot lost power, to over 300,000 believers today. History holds Pol Pot responsible for the deaths of 1.5 million […]

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SOME QUICK THOUGHTS ON HOUSE CHURCHES: THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND WHY YOU SHOULD BE OPEN TO THEM Hillsong has just released about twenty of their lyric videos to Sermon Spice. Since a growing number of our churches use lyric videos in worship, I decided to share this ad with you; it is included at the end of this article by Ed Stetzer. Dr. Stetzer will be one of the speakers at the […]

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PLANTING 1,000 CHURCHES IN YOUR LIFETIME Ed Stetzer will be one of the speakers at the upcoming IPHC General Conference. — Pastor Frank By: Ed Stetzer Churches need to be planted and then quickly need to plant other churches. In order to start a movement and plant 1,000 churches in your lifetime, you need to think about church planting through […]

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By: Frank G. Tunstall God massively intervened in history in first century Israel in four sovereign acts of divine power that changed the course of history. The first was the incarnation of God’s Son conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary without a sexual union. God “became flesh and blood […]

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BARNA TELLS US AREAS OF WEAKNESS NEEDING TARGET PREACHING CONFERENCE LEADERS, PASTORS AND TEACHERS – please read this article from George Barna’s research. I am taking the liberty to point out [in red] 12 areas to which Barna’s research is telling us we need to give much more attention in our preaching and teaching. This should also be read and digested by leaders […]

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THE MANY BENEFITS OF GRATITUDE This well written article is excellent for focusing us on the grace of gratitude as we go into Memorial weekend. – Pastor Frank By: John Thorington Matthew Henry, a well-known eighteenth-century Puritan preacher, was threatened by robbers in the city of London. They took his possessions and endangered his life. It’s safe to say […]

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Many congregations will not be able to afford a lobby like the one in this picture. But take a new look at your church lobby; is it time for a remodel? – Pastor Frank By: The Editors, Local Church Outreach The church lobby is where first and lasting impressions are made. Yet for many years, the […]

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Kate von Bora, Example for Lutheran Wives

Martin Luther’s most famous single act arguably was nailing his 95 theses on the door of Wittenburg Church in Germany on October 31, 1517. The five hundreth anniversary of this event that launched the Protestant Reformation is being celebrated worldwide this year, leading up to October 31. Many people realize the importance of that single […]

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