Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Church Growth

7 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DONOR GIVING RECEIPTS By: Raul Rivera  Lindsey, the church administrator, was exhausted. She had spent the past month sifting through envelopes, check ledgers, and scraps of papers from the offering basket trying to make sense of the church donations. The church never developed detailed receipts for every donation that it received. Instead, the church thought that it […]

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COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS–part-2 By: Lance Witt Courageous conversations is a battle of prepositions.  Half of the battle is making a commitment to talk “to” not talk “about” people. Here is my track record.  Hundreds of times I have talked myself out of having a courageous conversation.  EVERY time I have finally had the courageous conversation, I walked […]

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10 REASONS EVEN COMMITTED CHURCH ATTENDERS ARE ATTENDING CHURCH LESS OFTEN By Carey Nieuwhof // It comes up in a surprising number of conversations these days. And no one’s quite sure how to respond to it. The issue? Even committed church attenders are attending church less often. It comes up in a surprising number of conversations these days. And no one’s quite sure how to […]

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Developing a Missional Response to Seismic Shifts in the Church It’s time to stop holding on to yesteryear and start looking for ways to introduce Jesus to our dark world. By: Daniel Im There have been two seismic shifts in the church and culture in the English-speaking Western world over the past few decades. The first shift is predominantly a good one, while the […]

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OVERCOME MINISTRY BURNOUT BY LEARNING TO SAY “NO!” By: Karl Vaters I can’t do it all. Neither can you. Even though I love saying ‘yes’. Yes to God. Yes to people. Yes to crazy ideas that might turn out to be great ideas in disguise. But I’ve learned that saying ‘yes’ means more when it’s balanced by the proper use of the […]

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If Your Church is Drifting and Stuck, Should You Try to Change From Within? By: Jonathan Herron What do you do if you’re a frustrated support staff member of a visionless church? Do you try to change things from within? THE QUESTION: Hi Jonathan, I was at the Youth Workers Retreat that you spoke at last weekend, and I had a follow up question for you. First of […]

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5 STEPS TO TAKE AFTER SAYING SOMETHING STUPID IN PUBLIC By: Karl Vaters Every time I preach there’s a chance I’ll say something stupid. Sometimes my mistakes are harmless, like when I quoted God at the burning bush telling Moses, “Take off your feet, you’re standing on holy ground.” Other times people get hurt. Sometimes the very people I’m trying to help. Now that […]

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THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF PASTORS DON’T HAVE ONE By: Lance Witt  9-5-2016 Imagine a day in your future. You are now seventy or seventy-five, and the pace of life has slowed. You get up early in the morning and sit in your favorite chair with a cup of coffee. The house is still and silent. No one is there but you and […]

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WILL MORE INVITATIONS RESULT IN MORE SALVATIONS? By Hal Seed // For a long time I’ve wondered if there is a relationship between the number of salvations a church experiences, and the number of times it offers salvation invitations. We’ll never know for sure, but I’m conducting an experiment this year. For a long time I’ve wondered if there is […]

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By: Frank Tunstall “Now there were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at the Feast. They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee with a request. ‘Sir,’ they said, ‘we would like to see Jesus.’ Philip went to tell Andrew; Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus” (John 12:20). The […]

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