Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Church Growth

15 Things Young Preachers Need to Know About Seniors

15 things young preachers need to know about seniors By: Joe McKeever  7/20/16 “They will still bear fruit in old age. They will be full of sap and very green…” (Psalm 92:14). All generalizations are false. Including this one. Every rule has its exceptions. Including this one. Even so, I’m going to make some general […]

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THANK YOU to each of you who have responded to date. I appreciate hearing from you. So far, the only responses I have received are enerally supportive of cremation. Aat the conclusion of these responses, I will offer to you Jewish law on this subject, Pastor T. Elwood Long, retired N.C. Conference bishop. I thank […]

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California’s Religious Liberty Moment—Coming to a State Near You

On the verge of a precedent that should not be set.  Originally published at:   By: Ed Stetzer and Martin Duren   The California legislature is poised to consider legislation that could destroy the ability of numerous faith-based colleges and universities to pursue the mission for which they were created. SB 1146, one of two […]

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The First Step to Sparking Innovation In a Stuck Church

Church leaders need to spark the creativity of innovative believers by  Saying “yes” to their passion. By: Karl Vaters Churches get stuck sometimes. If you’re a pastor, you’ve known seasons when it’s hard to get church members to do great things for Jesus. Good things. Okay — anything. During our church’s years of being stuck, I […]

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How to Keep the People You’re Reaching

By Rick Warren Every church loses people. It’s a natural part of living in our current culture. Two to three percent will likely move away – more if you’re in an urban area. One or two percent will die. And some will just fade away and stop attending without connecting to another local body. Obviously […]

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When They’re Really Mad at You

How to follow Jesus while dodging bullets. An interview with John Crosby As a Christian leader, people’s disapproval can make you defensive, angry—and if you go about it the right way, spiritually mature. We [the editors of Leadership Journal] asked John Crosby, pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Edina, Minnesota, what he’s learned about being […]

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7 Reasons I Love Serving the Established Church

By: Ron Edmondson I recently posted about the things I miss from church planting serving in an established church. Church planting can be daunting, but the rewards from seeing people far from God get excited about Him makes all the efforts worthwhile. A friend of mine, Tom Cheyney, texted me with a challenge – and a needed one. Tom […]

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