Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Church Legal Issues

ANDY SAVAGE’S STANDING OVATION WAS HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. BECAUSE IT WAS WRONG. This is a needed, and provocative article for all of our churches. Ed Stetzer’s is certainly right: the church is responsible to protect the abused, and not the abuser. At the same time, the problem with this article, it seems to me, is that it does not go far enough. We are to protect the abused, […]

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By: Frank Tunstall Richard II of England married Anne of Bohemia [modern Czechcloslavokia] in 1382, and the marriage opened the door for Bohemian students to study in Oxford in England. These students took the teaching of John Wycliffe back to Prague, where Wycliffe’s writing greatly influenced John Hus, the rector (lead priest) of the University […]

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www.utm_source=internal&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=blog&utm_content=irs_taxes_pastor_for_salary_he_never_received_2017_10_05 By: Raul Rivera This time of year we get an abundance of phone calls from pastors who have still not filed taxes or from those who feel they have prepared them incorrectly. Although ministry often requires pastors to “bring things to light,” I am amazed at how many pastors each year leave their taxes […]

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THIS DOGMA WON’T HUNT: Feinstein, Durbin, Sanders, and the New Religious Test for Office So much for Article VI of the U.S. Constitution By: Ed Stetzer  Sept 8, 2017   Christians will be applauded when they show up to feed, clothe, shelter, and encourage the battered victims of Harvey and Irma. As long as they keep their dogma in their hearts and not in their mouths, they are welcomed—but […]

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HOW TO PROTECT YOUR CHURCH OFFERINGS FROM EMBEZZELMENT   By: Raul Rivera The sound of Bishop Jamal’s voice over the phone was heartbreaking as he reported the embezzlement crime to the local police. Only days before, the church announced that the fundraising for its building campaign had successfully raised $500,000 to construct the church’s new sanctuary and children’s wing. The church was going […]

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7 RECURRING MISTAKES WITH MINISTERIAL TAX RETURNS     By Trey Lewis It most likely comes as no surprise that taxes can be daunting. Since the process, and even the idea, of doing our taxes is daunting, we typically pay someone else to do them for us. Taxes can especially be intimidating for ministers because if churches do not properly handle the […]

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This article speaks to a trend taking place in most pastoral circles – the growth of women becoming senior pastors. IPHC from its beginning has been willing to ordain women as pastors. At least one of our conferences with which I am familiar has about 20% female pastors. This study, however, did not specifically address […]

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7 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DONOR GIVING RECEIPTS By: Raul Rivera  Lindsey, the church administrator, was exhausted. She had spent the past month sifting through envelopes, check ledgers, and scraps of papers from the offering basket trying to make sense of the church donations. The church never developed detailed receipts for every donation that it received. Instead, the church thought that it […]

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PROPOSED SOUTH CAROLINA BILL WOULD ALLOW TEACHERS TO PARTICIPATE IN STUDENT LED PRAYER By Heather Clark  For more than thirty years, Americans have been told that the government cannot express favor for one religion over another. This has been taken to mean that there is no place for those in governmental positions to express their beliefs. That means teachers and therefore prayer led by teachers has been […]

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JENTEZEN FRANKLIN JOINS JAMES DOBSON AND LONG LIST OF OTHERS OUTRAGED OVER CLINTON’S ANTI-CHRISTIAN BIGOTRY By: Jentezen Franklin, and others As Christian leaders, Catholic and evangelical, we collectively express our outrage at the demeaning and troubling rhetoric used by those within Secretary Clinton’s campaign—and those associated with the campaign—to describe our communities. Recently released emails clearly ridicule, demean and smear Roman Catholics and evangelicals. It is especially alarming that […]

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