Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Civil Disobedience

AMERICA NEEDED SPIES. MANY MISSIONARIES WERE READY AND WILLING They regretted some of what they were asked to do, but they thought defending democracy was worth it. I would welcome dialogue from any of my readers after reading this article. As you think about its message, consider going back to the Old Testament story when King David was fleeing from Absalom, but sent […]

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THE BILLY GRAHAM RULE GOES TO COURT A North Carolina sheriff’s deputy sues his former employer for religious discrimination after it wouldn’t accommodate his request to not train a female officer one-on-one. By: David Roach A former North Carolina sheriff’s deputy may be the first to file a lawsuit alleging he faced discrimination for his commitment to the “Billy Graham Rule.” […]

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Pennsylvania Democrats: Allah is fine, Jesus is not. By: Todd Starnes William Penn (October 14, 1644 – July 30, 1718) established a colony where people of faith could practice whatever religion they desired. Pennsylvania became the only colony without a state-run church. Penn’s gift to America was freedom of religion, the right to practice one’s faith in the public marketplace. “All Persons […]

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CHINA CRACKS DOWN – AGAIN   The [Chinese] government is removing crosses from their steeples and replacing them with the national flag. Inside, the crosses are being replaced with pictures of President Xi. Congregations must sing patriotic songs in worship. Parents can’t bring their children to church. CHINA CRACKS DOWN – AGAIN By: Mark Galli The tanks don’t always […]

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“Their suffering does not go unnoticed by God, and so it should never go unnoticed by us.” Ed Stetzer    Shut down after Sunday services, influential congregation had refused orders to install government face recognition surveillance cameras. WORLD WATCH MONITOR Christianity Today’s Jeremy Weber contributed to this report. Beijing authorities threatened to close Zion Church […]

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By: Frank Tunstall Richard II of England married Anne of Bohemia [modern Czechcloslavokia] in 1382, and the marriage opened the door for Bohemian students to study in Oxford in England. These students took the teaching of John Wycliffe back to Prague, where Wycliffe’s writing greatly influenced John Hus, the rector (lead priest) of the University […]

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A series on the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation Martin Luther was the son of German parents, Hans and Margareta Luder (Luther).  He was born at Eisleben in Saxony, on November 10, 1483 [D. 1546]. Luther’s grandparents had peasant roots, and His dad worked hard to elevate the family status. Luther’s father was a […]

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George O. Wood, General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, Speaks Out
AMERICA NOW AT A MATTHEW 13:25 TIPPING POINT By: George O. Wood Mattthew 13:25-26: “While everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.” I feel impelled to write you this most unusual pastoral letter. I do it out of deep concern and I ask […]

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Dutch Sheets: America Will Choose Her Destiny With These 7 Ideals

Originally published at By: Dutch Sheets America is in a fight for her destiny. Our upcoming presidential election is about more than which personality or political party we prefer. A well-known Christian author has written a well-circulated blog suggesting Christians shouldn’t vote for Donald Trump. His reasons center around the poor witness and example of Christianity he believes Trump […]

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California’s Religious Liberty Moment—Coming to a State Near You

On the verge of a precedent that should not be set.  Originally published at:   By: Ed Stetzer and Martin Duren   The California legislature is poised to consider legislation that could destroy the ability of numerous faith-based colleges and universities to pursue the mission for which they were created. SB 1146, one of two […]

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