Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.


ATHANASIUS LISTED WRITINGS WITH POWER TO HELP By: DAN GRAVES, MSL When you open a Bible, you see at once that it is made up of many shorter books. Do you ever wonder how people decided which books should be included in the Bible? It was important for Christians to know what was true scripture. For one thing, they needed to know what teachings […]

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By: Frank Tunstall Life’s journey can have wide emotional swings of all kinds, going left and right, up and down. This had to be true with Mary, the mother of Jesus. Without trying to be exhaustive, this article will look at some of her experiences that lifted her to the highest pinnacles of joy, and […]

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  By: Frank G. Tunstall A woman, Mary, was the first person to see the resurrected Lord. The Emmaus travelers walked seven miles with Jesus on the day of His resurrection and listen to the Lord’s profound teaching. That same evening Jesus appeared to the ten disciples in their locked room. [Thomas was absent and […]

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5 WAYS TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR EASTER SERVICE   By: Raul Rivera The biggest Sunday of the year for churches across the world is right around the corner. I am sure you are aware of what Sunday I am talking about. Regardless, I will go ahead and state the obvious, “It is Easter Sunday.” For churches, Easter is the biggest Sunday of […]

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By: Frank Tunstall “Now there were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at the Feast. They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee with a request. ‘Sir,’ they said, ‘we would like to see Jesus.’ Philip went to tell Andrew; Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus” (John 12:20). The […]

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By: Frank Tunstall Have you ever wondered how Jesus handled His emotions during Passion Week, the last week of His life? This includes His unspeakable emotional pain that went with His indescribable physical suffering. This study will address five scenes that stand out beginning with the Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem and continuing to Jesus’ arrest. […]

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 By Frank G. Tunstall The ancient Greeks boasted about being able to say much in a word. Yes, Hellenists considered it the perfection of oratory to put an ocean of meaning in a drop of language. Jesus did it to perfection and surpassed them all.  Jesus was the Servant both of His Father and of […]

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Jesus’ Triumphal Entry

Looking Forward to Easter Sunday, March 27 By Frank G. Tunstall  “The next day the great crowd that had come for the Feast heard Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed […]

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