Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Emotional healing

AMERICA NEEDED SPIES. MANY MISSIONARIES WERE READY AND WILLING They regretted some of what they were asked to do, but they thought defending democracy was worth it. I would welcome dialogue from any of my readers after reading this article. As you think about its message, consider going back to the Old Testament story when King David was fleeing from Absalom, but sent […]

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YOUR PEAK LIFE NOW: HOW TO FACE CAREER DECLINE WITH GRACE AND FAITH   By: Michelle Van Loon I visited my hometown about a decade after I graduated high school and stopped at the local greasy spoon joint for a nostalgic junk food meal. I was surprised to see one of the most popular guys in school, star gymnast Tim, behind the counter taking orders. I asked […]

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MY MOST RELIABLE MINISRY TOOL: KEEPING MY MOUTH SHUT DOING COUNSELING? PLEASE READ! In a world of noise, people need us to listen with God’s ears. BY: CHRIS NYE I was only 21 years old when a family asked if they could meet with me to discuss how their marital difficulties were affecting their teenage daughter and son. At the time, I had […]

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AFTER MAJOR INVESTIGATION, SOUTHERN BAPTISTS CONFRONT THE ABUSE CRISIS THEY KNEW WAS COMING I have absolutely no desire to gloat over what our Southern Baptist friends are walking through; instead, I hurt with them. My goal with this blog is hopefully to warn us all, sharing what is now public information. I lived through a sexual abuse lawsuit in my tenure as a conference bishop when a Christian Day School […]

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YOUR PLAN B IS STILL GOD’S PLAN  By: Sandra Peoples In 2015, my husband and I moved from rural Pennsylvania and left a church we loved to do something risky—plant a new church in suburban Texas. Our vision for the church was to welcome people with disabilities. We see special-needs families as an unreached people group, since so many don’t attend […]

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A CAROL FOR THE DESPAIRING Penned during the Civil War, Longfellow’s ‘I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day’ is a carol for our age. By: KRISTEN O’NEAL The word apocalypse in the Greek means “uncovering,” and 2018 has been a year of uncoverings, of pulling back the curtain to reveal the worst things that people can do to one […]

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JACKIE HILL PERRY: I LOVED MY GIRLFRIEND—BUT GOD LOVED ME MORE       BY: Jackie Hill Perry How an epiphany about the wages of my sin opened the door for His cleansing light. I loved my girlfriend too much not to be appalled at the prospect of laying aside not only the way I loved but also who I loved. To do what I assumed God […]

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Two articles are included in this blog that every pastor and Chrisian worker would be blessed to read. The first is about a pastor who suffered from depression and took his life. The second is a well written article about a young lesbian woman who found forgiveness and freedom in Jesus Christ. The day come could when having read and pondered each of  them will […]

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    Phil Larson is not trying to reach transfer members to Hope Connection Church in Gainesville, Texas. He looks for the down-and-out, people who have given up on the future. Phil takes them in – the local judge and district attorney send most of them to him. Phil teaches them about life and living, and some of them […]

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WILLOW CREEK ELDERS AND PASTOR HEATHER LARSON RESIGN OVER BILL HYBELS   In sharing this story, I have no desire to sensationalize, or to celebrate the pain of Willow Creek Church or its founding pastor. In addition, everything in this article is now public information. My motive is sincerely to warn. I am convinced the devil’s first strategy is to get a pastor into a trap. His next […]

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