Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Family Enrichment

DALLAS MEGACHURCH PUTS ON MASS WEDDING FOR DOZENS OF COHABITATING COUPLES  INTERVIEW BY MARIA BAER As cohabitation continues to rise and more research details the instability of the arrangement for families, churches that champion marriage inevitably have to grapple with the issue. In a 2011 survey, more than half of Protestant pastors said they would marry couples who had been living together. Leaders at churches […]

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BIVOCATIONAL AND COVOCATIONAL MINISTRY Three honest stories about its rewards and challenges. BY: LINDA W. PERKINS The Turbulent Calling of Bivocational Ministry Ministry is changing, and so is the profile of those going into it. For many, it is no longer about leaving another life behind; it is about answering God’s call alongside—or even within—the vocation one […]

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MY MOST RELIABLE MINISRY TOOL: KEEPING MY MOUTH SHUT DOING COUNSELING? PLEASE READ! In a world of noise, people need us to listen with God’s ears. BY: CHRIS NYE I was only 21 years old when a family asked if they could meet with me to discuss how their marital difficulties were affecting their teenage daughter and son. At the time, I had […]

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  By: Frank G. Tunstall The pastors of fourteen congregations of different faith groups in Cooke County in Northern Texas joined together in Gainesville, Texas on May 2 to participate for the first time ever in the National Day of Prayer. Gainesville is the county seat and the home of Hope Connection IPHC, a Heartland […]

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YOUR PLAN B IS STILL GOD’S PLAN  By: Sandra Peoples In 2015, my husband and I moved from rural Pennsylvania and left a church we loved to do something risky—plant a new church in suburban Texas. Our vision for the church was to welcome people with disabilities. We see special-needs families as an unreached people group, since so many don’t attend […]

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By Frank Tunstall The Holy Spirit overshadowed the Virgin Mary in the miraculous and sinless conception of Baby Jesus, with God as His Father (Luke 1:35). The angel Gabriel shared with Mary that her baby would be the Son of God. When the angel Gabriel made the announcement to Mary, she sought more information, giving […]

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“YOU HAVE LIED TO GOD” – (Acts 4:32 – 5:11)

By: Frank Tunstall, D. Min. “All the believers were one in heart and mind,” recorded Dr. Luke (Luke 4:32). The lame man at the gate called Beautiful had been healed the day before. Shortly after the miracle, Peter and John had been arrested by the temple police and held overnight. The next morning at their […]

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