Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Family Enrichment


By: Frank Tunstall Life’s journey can have wide emotional swings of all kinds, going left and right, up and down. This had to be true with Mary, the mother of Jesus. Without trying to be exhaustive, this article will look at some of her experiences that lifted her to the highest pinnacles of joy, and […]

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WHAT YOUR PASTOR REALLY WANTS FOR CHRISTMAS BY:The editors of This Christmas, forego the wooden praying hands, the cross-stitched Bible verses, and the clever bobble-heads. When we asked pastors what they wanted for Christmas, most of their answers fell into one of three categories: appreciation, rest, and time. So think twice before grabbing that last-minute Starbucks gift card; this list […]

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THE ONE GROUP YOU MIGHT FORGET THIS CHRISTMAS By John McGee  Nov. 27, 2017 The holiday season is upon us. As a pastor you have planned Christmas Eve services, prepared end-of-year reports, and been invited to more Christmas parties than you care to remember. With all of the activity involved in getting your church ready for Christmas, it can be easy to […]

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By Phil Larson, as told to Frank Tunstall The world’s largest casino is located on I-35 at the Texas/Oklahoma border. It’s the economic powerhouse of the whole area. The casino also multiplies drunkenness, illegal drugs, gangs, shootings, prostitution, and every other form of sin. In short, broken families and abused children litter the landscape.  I […]

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REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU’RE TIRED OF PEOPLE’re+Tired+of+People   By: John McGee  July 10, 2017 / Focus on the Family Have you ever been tired of people? Have you ever looked down on your Caller ID and let out a soft groan when you saw who it was? You know you’re supposed to be kind, compassionate, and helpful, but sometimes, instead of […]

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4 UNEXPECTED WAYS TO ADDRESS A SUFFERING MARRIAGE; Help for a husband who is just not getting it By: Professor Khaldoun A. Sweis, Ph.D. <p”>So my wife and I get into it! What a surprise. Early on in our marriage, I did what any insane, first-year married man would do, I took her to marriage counseling to fix her. What happened next was not what I expected. The marriage counselor told me […]

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THE SUCCESS AFFAIR Why do so many adulterous relationships begin when ministry is going well? By: Mike MacKenzie Jake’s father was a successful politician and his mother was a lawyer. He had a proclivity toward philosophy and music, and he looked like a rock star with his unkempt hair, flannel shirts, and tattooed forearms. While attending a […]

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BARNA TELLS US AREAS OF WEAKNESS NEEDING TARGET PREACHING CONFERENCE LEADERS, PASTORS AND TEACHERS – please read this article from George Barna’s research. I am taking the liberty to point out [in red] 12 areas to which Barna’s research is telling us we need to give much more attention in our preaching and teaching. This should also be read and digested by leaders […]

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By: Frank G. Tunstall, D. Min. The institution of marriage offers an excellent illustration of sanctifying grace. When a young couple marries, the union can be successful only if they spiritually, mentally and emotionally forsake all others – all former suitors – so that they are set apart in their hearts from all past courtship […]

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  By: Frank G. Tunstall A woman, Mary, was the first person to see the resurrected Lord. The Emmaus travelers walked seven miles with Jesus on the day of His resurrection and listen to the Lord’s profound teaching. That same evening Jesus appeared to the ten disciples in their locked room. [Thomas was absent and […]

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