Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Family Enrichment

5 WAYS TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR EASTER SERVICE   By: Raul Rivera The biggest Sunday of the year for churches across the world is right around the corner. I am sure you are aware of what Sunday I am talking about. Regardless, I will go ahead and state the obvious, “It is Easter Sunday.” For churches, Easter is the biggest Sunday of […]

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“PROCLAIMING THE KINGDOM IN A WORLD OF FAKE NEWS” By: Bishop Doug Beacham In this day of directional apps such as Waze and Google Maps, we have become accustomed to “alternate” routes and “recalculating.” To use an app that helps you avoid traffic snarls is indeed a blessing. But we are now full speed ahead in a world that has no shame or […]

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Many congregations will not be able to afford a lobby like the one in this picture. But take a new look at your church lobby; is it time for a remodel? – Pastor Frank By: The Editors, Local Church Outreach The church lobby is where first and lasting impressions are made. Yet for many years, the […]

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PLANNED PARENTHOOD KILLS 35% OF ALL OF THE UNBORN BABIES ABORTED IN THE UNITED STATES By:  RITA DILLER   JAN 19, 2017 This week, the Guttmacher Institute came out with a new report on national abortion numbers in the United States for 2013 and 2014. For For those not familiar with abortion reporting in the United States, the official health statistics reporting agency in the country, the Centers for Disease Control and […]

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GUARDING YOUR SCHEDULE (AND SOUL) IN THE NEW YEAR January 9, 2017 By Ted Cunningham In Part 1 of “Guarding Your Schedule (and Soul) in the New Year” we saw how God wants us to pursue ministry and enjoy a life in which time is not the enemy. Hurry kills the soul and the family so we want to pace ourselves and redeem […]

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Four Life Lessons from the Funeral of Cliff Barrows   Billy Graham’s long-time song leader and choir director remembered in North Carolina By: Ed Stetzer I was at Cliff Barrows’ funeral. In ways I did not expect, the service moved me. Surprisingly, it was not because of the music (although it was amazing), but because of the life that was celebrated. I posted a […]

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ONE QUESTION YOU MUST NEVER ASK IN MINISTRY “Sow your seed in the morning, and do not be idle in the evening, for you do not know whether morning or evening sowing will succeed, or whether both of them alike will be good” (Ecclesiastes 11:6). By: Bob McKeever Disciples of Jesus Christ must never try to calculate the cost/benefit of some act […]

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8 THINGS TO DO WHEN ADULT CHILDREN MAKE BAD CHOICES Good advice for parents and pastors: Don’t Bite Your Tongue BY: Ruth  Nemzoff   Your grown child is spending money that he/she should be saving…making questionable career choices…or marrying the wrong person. What do you do? Many parents think their best option is to say nothing when they disagree with their adult children’s choices. Adult […]

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If Your Church is Drifting and Stuck, Should You Try to Change From Within? By: Jonathan Herron What do you do if you’re a frustrated support staff member of a visionless church? Do you try to change things from within? THE QUESTION: Hi Jonathan, I was at the Youth Workers Retreat that you spoke at last weekend, and I had a follow up question for you. First of […]

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