Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Family Enrichment

15 Things Young Preachers Need to Know About Seniors

15 things young preachers need to know about seniors By: Joe McKeever  7/20/16 “They will still bear fruit in old age. They will be full of sap and very green…” (Psalm 92:14). All generalizations are false. Including this one. Every rule has its exceptions. Including this one. Even so, I’m going to make some general […]

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 By Frank G. Tunstall The ancient Greeks boasted about being able to say much in a word. Yes, Hellenists considered it the perfection of oratory to put an ocean of meaning in a drop of language. Jesus did it to perfection and surpassed them all.  Jesus was the Servant both of His Father and of […]

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Supreme Court Weighs Why Abortion Clinics Are Closing at Record Rates

Texas case is the pro-life movement’s first return to the high court in a decade. By Kate Shellnut The first abortion case to reach the US Supreme Court in nearly a decade stands to impact the fate of most clinics in Texas—and possibly clinics in states with similar restrictions that have led to years of record closures. […]

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Why 734 Pastors Quit (and How Their Churches Could Have Kept Them)

The Lifeway Survey that produced these findings focused primarily on why pastors left: change in calling, conflict, and burnout. These big three, plus others, identify where local churches, conferences and denominations need to work to improve the retention rates among pastors. – Pastor Frank By Lisa Cannon Green No sabbatical. No help with counseling. No clear picture […]

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Why Your Marriage is Like Your Garden

By John McGee A few years ago my wife and I were vacationing with some friends on Vancouver Island. We were driving around looking for some off-the-beaten-path point of interest when suddenly we came upon a home with the most amazing garden I had ever seen. Right there in the middle of the road, I […]

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How to Protect Your Teen from the Dangers of Pornography

[Editor’s note: I have deleted from this article the stats, since they are covered in Josh McDowell’s research.] By: Mark Haviland Our families are under full-blown assault and our children are becoming the greatest casualties! This is such a large and complex subject to cover and we will only scratch the surface within this article, […]

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