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Holy Spirit

“Brothers, What Shall We do?” REPENT

By: Frank Tunstall, D. Min. Peter wrapped-up His indictment on that grand first Pentecost by saying, “Let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36; see also Acts 4:10). With this conclusion of Peter’s Pentecost sermon, he sealed the indictment against the evil […]

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  By: Frank Tunstall and Phil Larson Join us as we pray and study Scriptures together for the next great revival led by the Holy Spirit. Unexpected joy, insight, power, unity, answers, miracles, healing, and gifts are here. Discovering The Job Description of the Holy Spirit, by Frank Tunstall, D. Min. Members, ministers, and masses struggle […]

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An Incredible Opportunity

By: Frank Tunstall and Phil Larson We invite you to join with our brothers and sisters in the South Carolina Conference as we pray and study the Scriptures together for the next great revival led by the Holy Spirit. Opportunity is knocking at your door for you to be part of it. Discovering the Job […]

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The Samaritan Pentecost

By: Frank G. Tunstall, D. Min. Philip the deacon was among those expelled from Jerusalem by the Jewish ruling authorities who used expulsion as a tool to try to control the spread of the gospel (Acts 8:1). Philip went to one of the towns in Samaria and “proclaimed the Christ there” (Acts 8:5). Jesus had […]

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A Fresh Look at Repentance: Part 2

 By: Frank Tunstall, D. Min. How important that we rethink our doctrine of repentance and rediscover sin is sin precisely because it violates God. “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love,” King David pled following his tryst with Bathsheba that ended in her pregnant and her husband murdered. “According to your […]

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The Holy Spirit Inspired Scriptures

By Frank Tunstall In a culture that is birthing more and more Biblical illiteracy, it is imperative that we re-discover the Holy Spirit who authored the Holy Scriptures. A foundational responsibility of the Holy Spirit was to give to mankind a written revelation of the Heavenly Father that presents Jesus Christ Himself as the living […]

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Why Did Jesus Have to Die by Crucifixion?

Why Did Jesus Have to Die by Crucifixion? By: Frank Tunstall Citizens of the Roman Empire who committed capital crimes were executed by beheading. Death for capital crimes as practiced by the Jews was by stoning. The penalty that awaited rebellious slaves, thieves, and common criminals was death by crucifixion, usually preceded by brutal floggings. […]

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