Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Moral issues

WILLOW CREEK ELDERS AND PASTOR HEATHER LARSON RESIGN OVER BILL HYBELS   In sharing this story, I have no desire to sensationalize, or to celebrate the pain of Willow Creek Church or its founding pastor. In addition, everything in this article is now public information. My motive is sincerely to warn. I am convinced the devil’s first strategy is to get a pastor into a trap. His next […]

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THIS IS DESTROYING MORE CHURCHES, PASTORS, MARRIAGES, AND PEOPLE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN HISTORY “The greatest threat to the cause of Christ in the history of the world.” – Josh McDowell BY: CONQUER SERIES  8:00AM EDT 7/16/2018 As we see the daily political and social turmoil in our society, Christians are praying for God to send a spiritual revival to stir the church and ignite the fire of repentance […]

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Two themes very  important for the Lord’s church. Ed Stetzer reminds us of the importance of welcoming single adults in our churches. My article focuses on Jesus’ great love for newly-weds and young couples. Each is important for the future of the Lord’s church.To this day Jesus delights to be invited to weddings.   By: Frank G. Tunstall, […]

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WHY GOD CHOSE ABRAHAM, An Appeal to Fathers

By: Frank Tunstall, D. Min.  Why did God choose Abraham and his loyal wife, Sarah? The answer to that question frames a powerful challenge to fathers as we come to Father’s Day, 2018. In ancient culture, the father in the home carried the primary duty to instruct his children.  It also meant each dad in […]

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BLAME US FOR GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN     By: Cal Thomas If we don’t like what is happening in Washington — and few do — the blame must be placed squarely where it belongs. It is “we the people” who send these people here. We send people of different and often opposing viewpoints to Washington and expect them to get […]

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    Introduction By: Frank G. Tunstall Dr. Maureen Farrell Garcia has written an excellent article on how to spot sex offenders in the church. In fact, it’s the best I have ever read. I think it is must reading for all pastors and Christian workers charged with training and protecting children and young people. Every youth pastor should read […]


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ANDY SAVAGE’S STANDING OVATION WAS HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. BECAUSE IT WAS WRONG. This is a needed, and provocative article for all of our churches. Ed Stetzer’s is certainly right: the church is responsible to protect the abused, and not the abuser. At the same time, the problem with this article, it seems to me, is that it does not go far enough. We are to protect the abused, […]

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By Phil Larson, as told to Frank Tunstall The world’s largest casino is located on I-35 at the Texas/Oklahoma border. It’s the economic powerhouse of the whole area. The casino also multiplies drunkenness, illegal drugs, gangs, shootings, prostitution, and every other form of sin. In short, broken families and abused children litter the landscape.  I […]

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