Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Moral issues


  By: Frank G. Tunstall George Barna of the American Culture and Faith Institute released a survey back in May that describes the diversity of doctrinal belief in the born-again community in the American church. Born-again believers largely come under the banner of Evangelical Christians. Pentecostals are also included under this umbrella. The United States […]

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WHEN A PRIVATE APOLOGY IS NOT ENOUGH   This article is certainly thought provoking. I think he is saying something that at times can be important. I’d welcome a response from any of you. Pastor Frank By: Joe McKeever ( and SermonCentral.Com “Nothing is so lovely and so welcome and so healing in a church as for a member to go before the […]

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THE SUCCESS AFFAIR Why do so many adulterous relationships begin when ministry is going well? By: Mike MacKenzie Jake’s father was a successful politician and his mother was a lawyer. He had a proclivity toward philosophy and music, and he looked like a rock star with his unkempt hair, flannel shirts, and tattooed forearms. While attending a […]

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BARNA TELLS US AREAS OF WEAKNESS NEEDING TARGET PREACHING CONFERENCE LEADERS, PASTORS AND TEACHERS – please read this article from George Barna’s research. I am taking the liberty to point out [in red] 12 areas to which Barna’s research is telling us we need to give much more attention in our preaching and teaching. This should also be read and digested by leaders […]

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By: Frank G. Tunstall, D. Min. The institution of marriage offers an excellent illustration of sanctifying grace. When a young couple marries, the union can be successful only if they spiritually, mentally and emotionally forsake all others – all former suitors – so that they are set apart in their hearts from all past courtship […]

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“PROCLAIMING THE KINGDOM IN A WORLD OF FAKE NEWS” By: Bishop Doug Beacham In this day of directional apps such as Waze and Google Maps, we have become accustomed to “alternate” routes and “recalculating.” To use an app that helps you avoid traffic snarls is indeed a blessing. But we are now full speed ahead in a world that has no shame or […]

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PLANNED PARENTHOOD KILLS 35% OF ALL OF THE UNBORN BABIES ABORTED IN THE UNITED STATES By:  RITA DILLER   JAN 19, 2017 This week, the Guttmacher Institute came out with a new report on national abortion numbers in the United States for 2013 and 2014. For For those not familiar with abortion reporting in the United States, the official health statistics reporting agency in the country, the Centers for Disease Control and […]

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8 THINGS TO DO WHEN ADULT CHILDREN MAKE BAD CHOICES Good advice for parents and pastors: Don’t Bite Your Tongue BY: Ruth  Nemzoff   Your grown child is spending money that he/she should be saving…making questionable career choices…or marrying the wrong person. What do you do? Many parents think their best option is to say nothing when they disagree with their adult children’s choices. Adult […]

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JENTEZEN FRANKLIN JOINS JAMES DOBSON AND LONG LIST OF OTHERS OUTRAGED OVER CLINTON’S ANTI-CHRISTIAN BIGOTRY By: Jentezen Franklin, and others As Christian leaders, Catholic and evangelical, we collectively express our outrage at the demeaning and troubling rhetoric used by those within Secretary Clinton’s campaign—and those associated with the campaign—to describe our communities. Recently released emails clearly ridicule, demean and smear Roman Catholics and evangelicals. It is especially alarming that […]

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FRANKLIN GRAHAM SPEAKS OUT ABOUT ELECTION By: Franklin Graham   October 16, 2016 A lot of people are slamming evangelicals for supposedly giving Donald J. Trump a pass. That’s simply not true. No one is giving him a pass. I’m certainly not, and I’ve not met an evangelical yet who condones his language or inexcusable behavior from over a decade ago. However, he […]

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