Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Our Readers Say:


 Wanda Hicks-Miller: “Why Jesus Was Rejected and Walked Away” is a good  word, Brother Frank. Love to hear you break the bread of life in a way that feeds my hungry soul for His truth! Gary Burd: Very good article. Oh how I wish we could hear it as a nation. May the Lord bless you, […]

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OUR READERS SAY – March 2018

Jim Eby: Thanks, Frank for… Five Top Priorities for Increasing Your Church [March 6 Cutting Edge]. May God help our pastors and leaders not  only to read it, but to take it to heart and act on it. I would simply add an action-point #6: “Earnest prayer for the lost is the fuel for church growth.” Every follower of […]

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OUR READERS SAY: T. Elwood Long: “Thanks, Dr. Tunstall, for your insightful and inspiring article, Offended by Jesus. It is a marvelous reminder that our Lord will “whisper sweet peace” to us in our times of difficulty and questions, if we will attentively listen to His voice of assurance.” William Denem, Arise Christian Radio: “Great […]

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