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Persecution of Christians

YOUNG LIFE VOTED OFF CAMPUS AT DUKE Another university objects to the ministry’s sexuality policy. BY: YONAT SHIMRON – RELIGION NEWS SERVICE   SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 Duke University’s student government has denied the Christian organization Young Life official status as a student group on campus, citing its policy on sexuality. The decision by the Duke Student Government Senate on Wednesday comes amid […]

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CHINESE AUHORITIES BLOW UP CHRISTIAN MEGACHURCH WITH DYNAMITE Chinese authorities blow up Lampstand Church with dynamite in LinFen, China, Pop. 4.3 million. ‘The repeated persecution… demonstrates that the Chinese government has no respect for religious freedom or human rights,’ says Christian group. By: Chris Baynes of The Independent Chinese authorities have demolished a well-known Christian megachurch, inflaming long-standing tensions between religious groups […]

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U.S. MISSIONARY, AN ORU GRADUATE, KILLED BY ‘WORLD’S MOST ISOLATED TRIBE John Allen Chau returned to the prohibited island even after being shot: “It’s worth it to declare Jesus to these people.” BY: KATE SHELLNUTT  A 26-year-old American missionary was killed on a remote island off the coast of India, where he attempted to share the gospel with the most isolated tribe in the world. All […]

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“YOU HAVE LIED TO GOD” – (Acts 4:32 – 5:11)

By: Frank Tunstall, D. Min. “All the believers were one in heart and mind,” recorded Dr. Luke (Luke 4:32). The lame man at the gate called Beautiful had been healed the day before. Shortly after the miracle, Peter and John had been arrested by the temple police and held overnight. The next morning at their […]

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CHINA CRACKS DOWN – AGAIN   The [Chinese] government is removing crosses from their steeples and replacing them with the national flag. Inside, the crosses are being replaced with pictures of President Xi. Congregations must sing patriotic songs in worship. Parents can’t bring their children to church. CHINA CRACKS DOWN – AGAIN By: Mark Galli The tanks don’t always […]

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“Their suffering does not go unnoticed by God, and so it should never go unnoticed by us.” Ed Stetzer    Shut down after Sunday services, influential congregation had refused orders to install government face recognition surveillance cameras. WORLD WATCH MONITOR Christianity Today’s Jeremy Weber contributed to this report. Beijing authorities threatened to close Zion Church […]

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By: Frank Tunstall Life’s journey can have wide emotional swings of all kinds, going left and right, up and down. This had to be true with Mary, the mother of Jesus. Without trying to be exhaustive, this article will look at some of her experiences that lifted her to the highest pinnacles of joy, and […]

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By: Frank Tunstall Richard II of England married Anne of Bohemia [modern Czechcloslavokia] in 1382, and the marriage opened the door for Bohemian students to study in Oxford in England. These students took the teaching of John Wycliffe back to Prague, where Wycliffe’s writing greatly influenced John Hus, the rector (lead priest) of the University […]

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OVER A MILLION POLES GATHER TO PRAY FOR THEIR COUNTRY; MAINSTREAM MEDIA CALLS IT ISLAMOPHOBIC By Onan Coca  October 11, 2017 Almost 90% of the people in Poland identify as some denomination of “Christian” with about 87% of the population claiming to be Roman Catholic. So when more than 1 million Polish citizens gathered at the nation’s borders to pray for the future of their country, they were mostly praying as […]

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