Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.

Persecution of Christians

ISIS KILL LIST NAMES 15,000 CHRISTIAN AMERICANS TARGETED FOR DEATH By: BETHANY BLANKLEY  8/8/2016 According to a report recently made public, early this year, ISIS specifically identified 15,000 Christian Americans for death and instructed jihadists already in America to begin widespread murder. The Kill List report comes in the wake of ISIS already publicly warning American and British Christians that “they were next.” British police last […]

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Russia’s New Law: No Evangelizing Outside of Church

 This article was released June 29. President Putin has now signed this very oppressive law. It is now the law of the land  in Russia. — Pastor Frank Originally published at:  By: Kate Shellnutt Christians in Russia won’t be allowed to email their friends an invitation to church or to evangelize in their own […]

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California’s Religious Liberty Moment—Coming to a State Near You

On the verge of a precedent that should not be set.  Originally published at:   By: Ed Stetzer and Martin Duren   The California legislature is poised to consider legislation that could destroy the ability of numerous faith-based colleges and universities to pursue the mission for which they were created. SB 1146, one of two […]

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By: Raul Rivera  June 16, 2016  Originally posted at: After this past weekend’s tragic shooting in Orlando, Florida, many people are once again asking themselves, “What is this world coming to?” Over the last few days, the Church, as a whole, has done a wonderful job of actually being the Church by loving, showing grace, […]

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Iraqi Christian Fighters Give Biblical Justification for Fighting ISIS

By: Veronica Neffinger | Editor, A group of Christian fighters in the Middle East who are battling ISIS say that, though the Bible commands Christians not to kill, they must defend their home and families. The Christian Post reports that the Babylon Brigade, as the Christian fighters are known, has been fighting ISIS throughout the past year. […]

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Global Leadership Summit 2016

By Frank G. Tunstall The beautiful Pine Dale Resort terraced into the hills on the shoreline of the Aegean Sea hosted representatives from thirty-seven countries April 4-10 in Kusadasi, Turkey. The occasion was the second Global Leadership Summit, sponsored by the World Missions Ministries Division (WMMD) of IPHC. The Apostle Paul navigated those same waters […]

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Big Brother Bullies Little Sisters at the Supreme Court

By: Hans von Spakovsky and Tiffany Bates The plaza of the U.S. Supreme Court and the courtroom itself were full of people you don’t normally see at the court—priests, ministers, and nuns of various religious orders. They were there Wednesday to hear the U.S. government argue that the Little Sisters of the Poor—an order of Catholic […]

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Christianity in Iran Growing Despite Persecution

BY: Amanda Casanova / Religion Today Contributing Writer Watchdog groups are reporting that as many as one million Muslim converts are risking prison or death in Iran by worshiping as part of a house church movement. Open Doors USA estimates there are about 450,000 practicing Christians in Iran. Others estimate more than 1 million. According to Fox News, […]

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