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Presidential Election


Cited from Encourage Vol. 3, No. 9 (October 2016): 2-3 ( By: IPHC Presiding Bishop Doug Beacham We are citizens of two commonwealths: One is the earthly nation where we are citizens; the other an eternal kingdom that transcends time and space. The Bible tells us that God holds the nations “as a drop in […]

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FRANKLIN GRAHAM SPEAKS OUT ABOUT ELECTION By: Franklin Graham   October 16, 2016 A lot of people are slamming evangelicals for supposedly giving Donald J. Trump a pass. That’s simply not true. No one is giving him a pass. I’m certainly not, and I’ve not met an evangelical yet who condones his language or inexcusable behavior from over a decade ago. However, he […]

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JAMES DOBSON STANDS BY ENDORSEMENT OF DONALD TRUMP One of America’s most respected Christian leaders speaks out. Dr. Dobson is the founder and current host of “Family Talk.” He is an American evangelical Christian author, psychologist, and founder in 1977 of Focus on the Family, which he led until 2003. By: Michael F. Haverluck (, Thursday, Oct. 13, 2016 “I do not condone […]

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