Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.


January 6, 2006 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

Jan 6, 2006 About 8:55 a.m. While I was in meditation, studying the Scriptures and in prayer— the Spirit began to speak woes on the sinful church and I wrote it down. “The church is not my church. They play beautiful music and play lovely songs, yet I am not pleased with them. They are […]

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December 25, 2005 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

Dec 25, 2005 about 3:00 a.m. I was awakened early on Christmas day. While I was in prayer, meditation, reading the Scriptures and thanking the Lord for coming to earth to redeem us, the Spirit began to speak very powerfully. He was in no celebrating mood. This time He spoke the title of what was […]

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December 19, 2005 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

Dec 19, 2005 I was awake early and was motivated in the Spirit to prayer and meditation. The Holy Spirit began to speak very powerfully. The Spirit spoke the Lord’s judgment on the faithless ones in his professing church, on Jerusalem, and on the United States. “Behold the days are coming when men will seek […]

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December 4, 2005 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

December 4, 2005 At about 11:18 a.m. the Spirit began to speak. He asked: “Will the nuclear bombs fall Little One.” Only you know Sovereign Lord, I replied. “The nuclear bombs will surely fall. Millions will die, not thousands; but millions says the Lord. This nation has rejected my ways, my statutes, my commandments. They […]

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January 2, 2005 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

Jan 2, 2005: Vision of Missiles, A Nuclear Attack on the United States In this vision I was taken up in the Spirit high above Western Canada where I was positioned facing east. There in vision in a secure place high above the earth, I saw waves of intercontinental ballistic missiles coming in formations of […]

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February 24, 2004 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

Feb 24, 2004 I heard the following prompt: “There will be a great earthquake and a giant tidal wave that will kill thousands even more than 50 thousand, even more than 100,000, even more than 150,000, and more than a million will be made homeless. Fathers and mothers will go from village to village asking: […]

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November 8, 2002 – Prompts from the Holy Spirit

Nov 8, 2002 I heard the following from the Holy One: “The terrorists will certainly strike again.” “The Snake is coiled near the children, near where the children play. There will be great mourning in the land when the Serpent strikes the children.” A little later He spoke again. “The flag will fly at half-staff […]

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