Cutting edge for pastors and ministry leaders.


The First Step to Sparking Innovation In a Stuck Church

Church leaders need to spark the creativity of innovative believers by  Saying “yes” to their passion. By: Karl Vaters Churches get stuck sometimes. If you’re a pastor, you’ve known seasons when it’s hard to get church members to do great things for Jesus. Good things. Okay — anything. During our church’s years of being stuck, I […]

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Counting the Offering Without Embezzling

By: Raul Rivera  March 17, 2016 The sound of Pastor Fred’s voice over the phone was heartbreaking as he reported the embezzlement crime to the local police. Only days before, the church had announced that the fundraising for its building campaign had successfully raised $500,000 to construct the church’s new sanctuary and children’s wing. They […]

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A Whopping Majority of Christians Cannot Talk to These People

Released by Barna Research 11:30AM EDT 3/16/2016, © 2016 by Barna Group. The United States is in a cultural crisis. There are gaping fissures between the rich and poor, growing tensions between races, disunity among faith groups, increasing resentment between genders, and a vast and expanding gap between liberals and conservatives. Generation, gender, socioeconomics, ethnicity, faith, […]

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11 Christian Missionaries Crucified and Beheaded

By:  ANNIE COTTON/CHRISTIAN AID MISSION Originally posted on Charisma News   At several steps on their path to death by beheading and crucifixion last month, 11 indigenous Christian workers near Aleppo, Syria, had the option to leave the area and live. The 12-year-old son of a ministry team leader also could have spared his life […]

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Legal Scholars Rise Up Against the Supreme Court’s Judicial Despotism

By Michael Brown Originally posted on Charisma News I’ve been saying that 2015 is the year of pushback, and this might be the most significant act of pushing back so far: A group of legal scholars, most of them university professors, have declared that the Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage this past June 26 is not “the law of […]

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Comments from Cutting Edge Readers

Bishop Leon Stewart: “You are writing some good material and pointing people to articles that are helpful to spiritual growth. Keep it up. Kathy Petty, Missionary to Spain: So moved by the article of the missionaries beheaded and crucified, and their testimonies, and what God is doing. We have Syrian friends from the Aleppo area […]

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